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Job vacancies and tenders
MLA North West vacancies
Regional vacancies

Regional vacancies

This page is devoted to current vacancies within the cultural and learning sector, including voluntary posts and secondments. This service is free of charge and open to all our stakeholders.

For more information relating to the advertised positions, please contact the named person or persons specified in the advert, rather than contacting MLA North West.

Click on the job title for further information and a job description.

Museums & Galleries Month Arts Coordinator
Organisation: Campaign for Musuems
Location: Not specified
Salary: £200/day
Deadline: 17 September 2007
This is an opportunity to stimulate new and exciting visual arts content and arts activities in museums and galleries across the UK as part Museums and Galleries Month 2008 (1-31 May)
Programme & Project Manager
Organisation: MLA South West
Location: Taunton
Salary: £31,653 - £39,932 per annum (pay award pending)
Deadline: 17 September 2007
MLA South West is looking for an enthusiastic, experienced sector manager to join our team. You’ll ensure that MLA South West makes and effective contribution as part of the MLA Partnership, co-ordinating our flagship programmes for museums, libraries and archives across the South West region, including Renaissance in the Regions, Framework for the Future and Action for Archives.
Showing 1 to 2 of 2 records.

Related Documents:

Vacancy notification form
100000F7VacancyNotificationForm.doc (35 KB)  

If you would like to use these pages to advertise your current vacancies, please complete the Vacancy Notification Form and send it to:


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