MLA North West training and events

Events and training, provided by MLA North West, for the museum libraries and archives sector are listed in these pages.

Introduction to the MLA Common Core Skills
Date: 23 October 2007
Location: MLA North West, Warrington
Duration: 10.00 - 16.00
Cost: Free
The Common Core of Skills and Knowledge for the Children's Workforce is part of the Every Child Matters - Change for Children agenda.
Archives in museums training day
Date: 06 December 2007
Location: MLA North West, Warrington
Duration: 10.00 - 16.30
Cost: Free
This one-day course considers the important differences between museum objects and archive records and the difficulties that museums can have in storing, accessing and exploiting archives within their collections. Using a mixture of presentations, case studies and group working it aims to provide practical training to equip museum practitioners to manage and understand archives.
Front of House
Date: 06 February 2008
Location: Manchester Art Gallery
Duration: 10.00 - 16.00
Cost: Free (Renaissance North West is sponsoring 20 places)
This session will explore the relationship between the visitor, visitor services department and the visitor experience.
Showing 1 to 3 of 3 records.

For further information please contact:

MLA North West
Ground Floor, The Malt Building, Wilderspool Park, Greenalls Avenue, Warrington WA4 6HL
Tel: 01925 625050 | Fax: 01925 243453
