
The museums and galleries in the North West are managed by a variety of organisations, including: local authorities, charitable trusts, higher education institutions and voluntary groups. The region has more nationally-funded museums than any English region outside London.

In the North West there are:

  • 160 registered museums
  • 72 local authority museums
  • 45 independent trust museums
  • 5 university museums
  • 8 armed service museums

There are currently over 8.2 million visitors to museums and galleries in the North West region every year, with 1.5 million organised educational visits. There has been a 30% increase in visitor number since 1995.

In 2001, the government launched Renaissance in the Regions: a new vision for England’s museums. The vision aims to enable regional museums across the country to raise their standards and deliver results in support of education, learning, community development and economic regeneration. Renaissance in the Regions affects the entire museums sector, and a network of ‘Hubs’ has been set up in each English region to help promote and disseminate good practice. MLA North West and the North West Hub are working in partnership to provide advice and support. The publication Advice and support for museums in the North West outlines the relevant partners to contact for support and guidance.

Museums can download information direct to the 24 Hour Museum website using the Direct Data Entry System (DDE) it enables every institution on the 24 Hour Museum database to update and amend their information online. Email or contact the 24 Hour Museum direct on 01273 820 470. You can also request a password online either by visiting the website.

For more information, see:

The North West Museums’ Hub
The North West Museums’ Hub is a partnership.
The Museum Accreditation Scheme
Details and support material for the Accreditation Scheme for museums in the United Kingdom.
Continuing the scheme for museums in the region, and extending the implementation of the scheme to libraries and archives.
The Regional Museums' Strategy
Celebrating our Cultural Heritage: Investing in a future for all.
Renaissance in the Regions: A new vision for England’s museums
In October 2002, the Department for Culture Media and Sport (DCMS) allocated £70m over four years to support the Renaissance in the Regions initiative.
Showing 1 to 5 of 5 records.

Related Links:

24 hour museum – list of museums and galleries in the UK 

Cornucopia - online database of museum collections 

Renaissance in the Regions 
Related Documents:

Visitors to museums and galleries 2004, MORI
Visitorstomuseumsandgalleries.pdf (433 KB)  

MLA North West
Ground Floor, The Malt Building, Wilderspool Park, Greenalls Avenue, Warrington WA4 6HL
Tel: 01925 625050 | Fax: 01925 243453
